Online Classes


THC Extraction Series #1 of 6: Blasting with Butane

In this video you will learn about the dangerous method of open blasting that causes many of the house explosions we hear about on the news. This is the first video in a series of five that will take you through the THC extraction methods.


THC Extraction Series #2 of 6: Closed Loop Extraction

We will discuss the Closed Loop extraction process and identify the components, what they are used for and how. These systems are very common now a days and can be bought easily online. And they are normally in operation when you show up.

THC Extraction Series #3 of 6: Liquid Solvents

In this video we will discuss the use of liquid solvents, polar, non-polar and CO2 liquids to extract THC and the dangers associated with each. 27 min

THC Extraction Series #4 of 6: Mitigating Liquid Butane

In this video we will discuss how to mitigate liquid butane and the Non-DOT cylinders that come with the closed loop systems. 19 min

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THC Extraction Series #5 of 6: Refinement of THC Extraction

In this video we will discuss the refinement of the THC extraction using ethanol and cold temperatures. This can be a dangerous step when there is still butane left in the extract that volatizes into the freezers!

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THC Extraction Series #6 of 6: First Responder Hazards

This video will focus on the First Responder hazards of a THC extraction lab and correct monitoring procedures. 22 min.


Chemical Suicide: Detergent Suicide for First Responders

This video will go into detail about the Detergent Suicide method using acids and pesticides, the off gassing of toxic gases, monitoring and mitigation of the remaining toxic solutions. This video includes a live study showing chemical reactions.

Chemical Suicide: Inert Gas and Carbon Monoxide for First Responders

This video will review the inert gas suicide method and the incomplete combustion generating Carbon Monoxide that can be extremely toxic.